Tokyo Shamisen Sangenshi Kikuoka in Katsushika, Tokyo.

Mr. Kouno from Sangenshi Kikuoka uses his favourite Emax EVOlution regularly.

Red sandalwood, Rosewood, and Burmese Rosewood are the main choices for shaminsen. Red Sandalwood is especially dense and will even sink in water. The Emax EVOlution high efficiency micro-grinder, with its various tool attachments, variable rotary speed, and stable torque profile, is a necessity to handle these hardwoods. Mr. Kouno aims to push the world of Shamisen into the future using Nakanishi's state-of-the-art products, while at the same time cherishing tradition. Details of the Emax EVOlution can be found below.

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Sangenshi Kikuoka
Representiative Mr. Kimiaki Kouno

Postcode:124-0014 1-7-2 Higashiyotugi Katsushika-ku Tokyo

Buisiness description:
Import, production, sales and repair of Shamisen and Shamisen materials (wood and timber)
Brief history:
Kimiaki Kouno/ Born in Taito Ward, Tokyo in 1958. Apprenticed in Asakusa under a Shamisen craftsman after graduating university. Establishes his own workshop in 1990 at 26 at his current location. Kouno says that only a craftsman can appreciate creating the highest quality products using personally selected materials. Mr. Kouno's work is also popular overseas. A traditional craftsman of Katsushika Ward.
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